News & FAQ’s

Industry News

Standards Australia has released the latest version of AS/NZS3000-2018.

Follow the link to see the latest copy including amendments to this standard–98926_SAIG_AS_AS_2802012/

Current REC Rebate

To get the latest and most up to date pricing please follow this link to the Renewable Energy Traders website –

Solar News

Changes to the Australian Standard AS/NZS 4777.2.2020 are on the horizon with the proposed new version AS/NZS 4777.1:2024.

Please see the link below for further information


In Western Australia there are more than 39,730 licensed electrical workers and electrical contractors.

Electrical installing work must be carried out by a licensed electrical contractor, who in turn must employ licensed electricians.

Do not employ an unregistered electrical worker or attempt to conduct unlicenced DIY electrical work. The consequences of possible injury/harm/loss to persons and property far outweigh the short cut of saving time and money.

The link below is from the Building and Energy WA website, it lists the current disciplinary and prosecution actions encountered by individuals that have undertaken licenced and unlicenced electrical work in WA.

Electrical recalls

Paste the link below into your web browser or simply click on the link to access the ACCC website for the latest consumer product recalls applicable to the Australian market.

Safety Checks

  • Have you had your smoke detector tested and battery changed?
  • Do you own a rental property and are you aware of your obligations to the Australian Building code changes since 1st May 2017 in regards to smoke alarms? Here is a link to the Building and Energy WA website explaining the changes and mandatory requirements of smoke alarms. 
  • Have you had your safety switches checked and tested?
  • Are your electrical hand tools tagged and safe?
  • Is your electrical installation safe and approved?
  • Do you need an Electrical Safety Certificate?
  • Does your solar PV system require maintenance or repairs?

We at Amplect offer these services and can complete safety checks on all of your items including the wiring and installation of items within your home.

REporting electrical or gas incidents

All electrical (shock and fire), fuel and gas accidents or incidents that occur in Western Australia must be reported.

Please use the following link to contact the relevant supplier and make a report.